The Hungarian Association for Geoinformation (HUNAGI), which was established in 1994 as non-profit, interdisciplinary NGO having the primary goal to promote and facilitate the availability, access and usability of geographic information and related technologies, inevitable tools intensively used in public utility services, real estate management, data driven city management.
The HUNAGI member organizations interested in collection, provision and use of spatial data covering the sectors academia, government, NGOs and industry. Promising technologies, open source and open data are issues frequently addressed. Partner associations are representing application domains such as surveying, mapping and remote sensing, space industry, transportation and logistics, e-content industry, agro-informatics and urban planning for the benefit of the citizens and the society.
Participation in EU projects and keeping international links are tools to strengthen visibility of Hungarian achievements and disseminate and share knowledge associated with spatial data and related technologies, legislations, standards and best practices via conferences and workshops. Especially close links have been established in the past decades with the European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (EUROGI). HUNAGI operates web portal ( ) with topics on events, call for opportunities, links, new products and services, publications, with special emphasis on earth observation and related topics (novel data collection, Big Data, citizens involvement, sustainable environment, Smart GIS, social media, FOSS4G).