„OIKUMENA” Public Association is a non-governmental public association in the field of geography, information technology, environmental protection, biodiversity conservation and GIS implementation in the field of environment established in 1999. The main areas of interests are geospatial projects in conformity with international (OGC, ISO) and european (INSPIRE) standards, projects in the environmental protection, development of digital maps based on data collection from different sources – field data collection, statistic data – for both base and thematic maps. Since 1999, the association members were involved in projects from cadastre, mapping, data conversion, inventory of the protected areas and solid waste landfills to development of Water GIS concept, Public System of Environmental Data and its maintenance etc. The sharing experience and know-how transfer is done through trainings, workshops as part of tasks in the projects, or individually contracted services for trainings, as training services in GIS and GPS, trainings focused on the role of GIS in environmental protection, GIS applications in environmental protection, GIS map navigation, database management, spatial data collection and integration using GPS, database interrogation.