Transilvania University of Brașov

Transilvania University of Brasov (UNITBV) is the largest university in the Central Region of Romania, with more than 19,000 students and about 1,300 permanent staff members. The university has the largest research institute owned by a Romanian university (developed via an EU structural fund project). It is also a national leader in providing education and research in forestry and biodiversity conservation of forest ecosystems through its Faculty of Forestry. UNITBV is also delivering social, economics and health higher education and research through its faculties of Social Siences, Economics and Business Administration and Medicine.
UNITBV is a member of the International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO), Open Innovation Academic Network, Enterprise Europe Network etc. and its staff are members of and actively involved in the activities of various international networks in the field of forestry, medicine, social sciences etc.
In the last decades the university staff was involved in projects and studies with a significant impact on the development of the environment, forestry sector, health care, and social life at the regional and national level, as well as internationally, funded by the local and national authorities, European Union, private sector etc.
Presently, the staff of the relevant faculties for this project proposal is involved in more than 10 EU funded projects (H2020, Erasmus + KA2, ERANET) related to the environment, health and social issues.